Inconsistency: Online Trustworthiness Course Part 11
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Ken Buist
Ken Buist

Article 1 of 12 in the
Trustworthiness series


Trust and temperament

Definition of trust


Trustworthiness Quotient








Trustworthiness Elements


In order to be considered trustworthy, it is important to demonstrate a low level of inconsistency in all that you do. Instead you should demonstrate a high level of consistency.

Consistency is about having harmonious responses at all times.

Consistency requires that we live by principles and not by the way we feel.

Consistency means that whatever the task or situation, we are prepared to analyse the facts as required and give a measured and considered response, rather than acting on a whim or impulse.

It is about being there for people in bad times as well as good, not just being a fair weather adviser.

It is about being considered an anchor in a storm and not someone who just reacts when you start to be blown off course.

Consistency requires an even keel; not given to being pleasant and involved one day, then cool and distant the next; not highly motivated and enthusiastic one minute, then down in the dumps and could not care less the next.

How do you measure up on all the above?

Next article: Summary

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