Building the Wider Team
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Building the Wider Team

Large-Team Team Building

Any team building with a group of people creates a bond of experience between that group of people.

This ‘common experience’ can therefore have a positive effective, but also has the potential to act as a marker that distinguishes this group from people who did not attend the team building event. The nature of any team building with a large project therefore needs to be carefully chose to counter this.

Consider the scenarios in the table below, and decide which of the following "team building workshops" would be suitable or unsuitable for each scenario:

  1. A team building workshop aimed at a small team

  2. A project workshop, bringing together the 3 small teams

  3. A project workshop, involving the 3 small teams, and project customers.


There are difficult relationships between some individuals in one of the small teams   
Each small team works well together, but they are acting as team islands and there is little cross-team co-operation   
The project team work well, but relationships with the customer are poor   
All the teams work OK both as small teams and across the team boundaries, but one of the teams gets on so well that they are starting to create a mini-culture of their own, and beginning to create resentment in other teams   
This is a new project, and it is the first time people in the small teams have worked together   

It is clearly important to choose the right type of team building strategy to suit the circumstances of your project.

The next article in this online course is:

Project Management Training:
Soft Skills Part 15: Project Culture
Project Management Training: Soft Skills Tools

Project Management Training



Trust and Rapport


Winning Commitment


Using Power



Small Teams

Group Conflicts

Team Development

Managing Difference


Team Islands

In/Out Groups

Building the wider team

Large Projects

Project Culture

Putting it all together

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