Each personality type can potentially irritate other people in their own particular way.
The potential ways in which an ISTP can irritate other team members includes focusing too much on the current task at the expense of longer term or interpersonal issues, not seeing the wood for the trees and not completing a task before moving on to the next one. Colleagues may find it frustrating if you don't communicate fully your understanding of the situation, if you take shortcuts, of it (to them) it seems as if you flit from one thing to another.
You can overcome personality type differences by learning about your similarities and differences with other people. This leads to greater understanding, appreciation, and respect. Also, if you learn to adapt your style this will make you more influential and respected.
There is a comprehensive guide on how to do this in the book Influencing People Using Myers Briggs. This is available as an option when you complete the personality test.
Next: ISTP and Personal Growth
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