The development of personality occurs in phases throughout life. For someone who is young, the main task is to develop use of their preferred mental functions. As one matures, however, and approaches midlife, there is often a need to develop greater comfort with using your non-preferences. This can help you increase your performance at work, and increase your ability to deal with different people and circumstances.
As with all types, an ESFP can achieve personal growth by developing all functions that are not fully developed, through actions such as spending more time in planning and preparation. Also, you may need to ensure that all aspects of a task have been completed before going on to the next one. You may also benefit by paying more attention to your hunches and intuitions, and looking for new underlying patterns - e.g.: rather than solving a problem each time it occurs, recognise that there may be a pattern and look for an underlying cause to recurrent problems. You may also benefit from developing time management and project management skills, to help direct your energy in a more efficient way.
A common theme of development for all types after midlife is individuation. This involves learning to value and develop various "opposites", not just the opposite typological preferences. Through reconciling opposites, your personality becomes more individual and unique, and your personality type may change. You might also reach the stage where your closest personality type is no longer a description of you, but it is merely a part of your personal history.
Next: ESFP and Stress
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