There are two groups of letters in the personality type code:
The dominant function of an ENFP is the perceptive one of iNtuition. This means you like looking at information from a global viewpoint and spotting patterns and relationships that lead to an understanding of the key issues. You focus more on possibilities for the future than the here-and-now, and enjoy change, challenge, and variety.
The perceptive iNtuition function is extraverted. That is, iNtuition is used primarily to govern the outer world of actions and spoken words. ENFPs try ideas out, wanting to explore new possibilities and discover, by experience, which ones work. Also, ENFPs tend to change procedures to see if any improvement can be made, rather than just operate them. Their approach is one of evolutionary development, but with an eye on the strategy, being more interested in exploring ideas than bringing them to closure.
The diagram represents how an average ENFP uses all the functions. You can find out more about the diagram, and your personal, unique type dynamics, by completing our personality test.
Next: How ENFPs irritate others
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