Network Marketing Lead Generation
The easiest way to get new business
Network Marketing is the most effective and exciting form of lead generation.
Nowadays it is called networking, but it used to be known as hunting; and this is REAL hunting:
Spot your quarry, thrill to the chase and develop a killer instinct!
You already have a network
In a small or medium-sized business or a professional partnership there should never be a need for cold calling. Stop for a moment and consider how many people you know. It will run into hundreds:
- existing clients
- other professional contacts
- friends
- family
- people at the sports or social club
- committee members you may work with.
These groups are the fuel that people in network marketing use to generate leads and propel their businesses into the big time.
And this is just for starters. Pool your resources with all the other key people in your office and you've got a big and valuable database.
See every invitation that lands on your desk as an opportunity for lead generation. Say to yourself: 'Aha, a chance to meet new contacts, to make new sales or increase my fees!'
Work the Room
Now don't get me wrong, working the room requires the courage of a lion and nerves of steel. If you feel a bit shy and nervous, don't worry. Most people feel exactly the same and only the most accomplished and regular networker will feel at ease.
What's the problem? For most it is fear of rejection. But the well-known international motivational speaker Zig Ziglar says: 'Fear? ...False Evidence Appearing Real!'
How often have you been rejected at a business or social gathering? When was the last time someone turned their back on you, ignored you or rejected your extended hand? No matter how many times I ask this question, the answer is always NEVER.
So take a deep breath, approach someone new, introduce yourself and ask for their name. They will mentally hug you for approaching them as they are probably more nervous than you.
Networking is like learning to drive or learning to touch type - it's always a bit uncomfortable at first. But how long does this feeling last? You'll soon feel just as comfortable about networking as you do behind the wheel of your car or at your word processor.
You don't necessarily want business from them but you can ask them the question: 'Who do you know who may be interested in...?'. People, generally, want to help you with lead generation. Why? Because it makes them feel good!
Work the room enthusiastically, your confidence will build, you'll begin to enjoy these events and new business will flow. This is real network marketing or word-of-mouth marketing
From Cave Dweller to Hunter
There's a common theme to driving, typing and networking. Practice and a positive attitude make perfect. Ask yourself four questions:
- Am I good at what I do?
- Do I provide a great service?
- Have I got the capacity to take on more?
- Do I want more fees or sales?
If you can answer 'yes' to all these questions, then leave your cave, and start hunting!
For more information:
Contact Network Marketing/Lead Generation expert: Will Kintish(c) 2005 Will Kintish.
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