Leadership Styles
There are many different types of leadership (or management) style. Different situations, groups, or cultures, may require the use of different styles in order to set a direction or ensure that it is followed. For example:
Being innovative
- As leadership - involves setting a new visionary direction - e.g. JFK setting the goal of putting a man on the moon.
- As management - involves producing creative ideas to ensure the vision is realised - e.g. coming up with ideas that enabled Apollo 13 to return safely to earth.
Participative management"
- As leadership - involves facilitating a new direction through team discussion.
- As management - involves winning the commitment of a team to a defined goal.
Everyone has their own preferred set of leadership styles. One aspect of becoming an effective is to build greater awareness of those styles, learning how to harness them productively, and mitigating natural weaknesses. If you wish to do this, you can complete our leadership test - which produces an optional 42-page analysis of your leadership profile.
Next page: Leadership Styles Test
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