Careers Test - MMDI Job Demand Questionnaire (JDQ™)

Compare your current job with your personality.

This unique career test helps you discover how well your current job matches your personality. If you are disatisfied with your career, it can help you identify the reasons why. If you are happy in your job, it can help you discover the likelihood of finding an even better career.

This careers test compares your personality and your current job

The online report that compares your current job with your personality is free. There is an optional, low-cost report that compares your personality with over 100 other careers.

To get your report you need to complete two questionnaires:

You need to complete the Personality Test first to get an MMDI code. Please bookmark this page, complete the MMDI personality test, then return to this page. If you already know your personality type/preferences, you can get an MMDI code using our online type conversion utility. NB: whichever method you use, cookies need to be enabled in your computer.

The JDQ was developed by Steve Myers (a Google verified author)