This style involves taking action using logical analysis - e.g. selling a product or constructing a table.
This style involves taking action using important values - e.g. performing a piece of music or teaching a practical subject.
This style involves introducing change using important values - e.g. being an advocate in social work or running a culture change programme.
This style involves introducing change using logical analysis - e.g. developing a new business or providing management consultancy.
This style involves building relationships based on insights or vision - e.g. improving teamwork or building a society or community.
This style involves building relationships using information or experience - e.g. looking after customer satisfaction or employee welfare.
This style involves organising things based on insights/vision - e.g. improving a team's efficiency or designing business processes.
This style involves organising things using information or experience - e.g. managing an office or administering an insurance claim.
This style involves analysing what is correct using facts - e.g. identifying the cause of a car breakdown or understanding an electrical circuit.
This style involves identifying what is important based on facts - e.g. selecting ingredients for a menu or overseeing safety in a swimming pool.
This style involves analysing the correct possibilities for change - e.g. researching scientific or technological principles.
This style involves identifying what is important when things change - e.g. editing a publication or counselling a patient.
This style involves developing vision using important values - e.g. teaching media studies or leading a church.
This style involves clarifying information using important values - e.g. curating exhibits in a museum or getting to know customers.
This style involves developing vision using logical analysis - e.g. conducting market research or designing computer systems.
This style involves clarifying information using logical analysis - e.g. inspecting accounts or investigating a crime.
This profile is based on research with 17,000 people already in careers. The optional Careers Report compares your personality with over 100 careers.
Each of the 16 personality types (ENFJ, ISTP, etc.) refers to a particular style of behaving or thinking. You use all the styles, and your personality type (which you share with hundreds of millions of people) indicates which style you prefer to use most. The balance that you like between the different styles is unique to you. The diagram, right, shows the balance of styles required in a typical pharmacist job. Use the drop-down box to select a different career.
You will enjoy a career more if the balance of styles required in the job matches the balance that you prefer. You can find out how well they match by completing our career test. The optional Careers Report matches your unique personality profile with over 100 careers.