Personality Tests
Advice on their use
Many people use personality tests to help choose a career, improve their relationships, deepen their self-understanding, etc. To get the best results it is important that you:
- Complete the test with the right mind-set
- Bear in mind the limitations of the results
Mind Set
You are a different person in different circumstances - e.g. you behave differently when with parents, friends, authority figures (police), etc.. When you complete a questionnaire that helps you identify your personality type, such as the MMDI, you should think about your natural preferences. Answer the questions to reflect the real you, not the person you are expected to be.
Your personality is complex, but all personality type questionnaires provide a simple result. Your personality can change, and the result you get is (on average) correct in about 75% of cases. Read the results carefully to decide if they are an accurate reflection of your personality.
Once you are happy with the results, please note:
- they tell only tell you how different people like to approach things differently;
- they do not predict behaviour, because behaviour is often dependent on the circumstance or situation - eg: when you are driving a car, whether you change gear with your right or left hand depends on the design/layout of the car, not your handedness preference;
- they do not tell you about your ability (eg: you might prefer extraversion, but could be bad at dealing with people, or you might prefer introversion and be very good at dealing with people);
- the scores are subjective, and can change depending on the mood/attitude/mind-set you have when completing it;
Complete the MMDI questionaire.
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