Myers Briggs Personality Types
Welcome to the Team Technology web pages on Myers Briggs personality types. This page provides links to descriptions of each of the 16 personality types. There are many other resources at this website to help you explore the Myers Briggs model of personality.
Myers Briggs theory
- an online personality test
- an introduction to the Myers Briggs model of personality
- a fun cartoon presentation
- a Myers Briggs compendium of articles
Myers Briggs personality types
ISTJ Introverted Sensing with Thinking |
ISFJ Introverted Sensing with Feeling |
INFJ Introverted iNtuition with Feeling |
INTJ Introverted iNtuition with Thinking |
ISTP Introverted Thinking with Sensing |
ISFP Introverted Feeling with Sensing |
INFP Introverted Feeling with iNtuition |
INTP Introverted Thinking with iNtuition |
ESTP Extraverted Sensing with Thinking |
ESFP Extraverted Sensing with Feeling |
ENFP Extraverted iNtuition with Feeling |
ENTP Extraverted iNtuition with Thinking |
ESTJ Extraverted Thinking with Sensing |
ESFJ Extraverted Feeling with Sensing |
ENFJ Extraverted Feeling with iNtuition |
ENTJ Extraverted Thinking with iNtuition |
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