Business Articles
An outline of the types of loans available to entrepreneurs wanting funds to start or grow their business.
Network Marketing Lead Generation
How to grow a business without incurring any advertising costs, using word of mouth and networking techniques.
An introduction to factoring, a way of improving your cash flow by converting outstanding invoices to cash.
How to redefine business processes ('business process reengineering' in a way that delivers real benefits, is pragmatic in approach, and easy to maintain
If you are considering starting up a home based business, this article suggests some things to think about before you take the plunge.
Some practical ways to reduce business debt and improve the availability of cash.
Choosing a good Sales Training course
Sales are the driver of any business, and a good sales training course can have a big impact on increasing profits and securing jobs for your staff. This article examines what to look for in such a course.
Lower borrowing costs with credit cards.
Although credit cards are usually very expensive, this article describes how to lower your borrowing costs using 0% credit card offers.
Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is often very different to other rates quoted for a loan. This article explains why.
Trolling is an activity that can hurt individuals and businesses. This article explains what trolling is.